Want to Help?

Please consider making a donation to GRACE today. You tax deductible donation will go a long way in helping refugees in Ecuador make a new life for themselves, and is integral for them to transform a life altering crisis, into a self transforming process that not only benefits themselves and their families, but the communities that they now call home.
GRACE is an assortment of refugees and refugee advocates that have banded together for the progress and inclusion of refugees into the countries they now call home. We are best known for the Grace Clinic in Cuenca, Ecuador. We have established a network of doctors who offer routine diagnoses, medications, and referrals as needed free of charge to refugees. We also have a network of coalition partners who offer GRACE discounts and benefits for our patients.

What separates Grace from other nonprofits is that we genuinely believe in the competency of those we are helping. Refugees fully staff our medical clinic, refugees are found on our board of directors, refugees are surveyed and consulted before making decisions. We believe in the power and dignity of refugees helping refugees.

our work

We help refugees get back on their feet through general medicine, dental and employment services, clothing, food, diapers dignity kits.

our vision

We want to see a world where compassion and empathy are the norms, a world where love is poured out without measure.

our goals

We are working towards creating communities where refugees can truly thrive and live without the fear of persecution and xenophobia.

our Mission

To help alleviate the barriers that impede the successful integration of refugees into society, aiding the transition from refugee to a neighbor.

Migrants Served

Patients Attended

Meals Served

OUR Programs
Grace offers 21 services that fall under five programs. Each of these programs has been founded by, staffed, and managed by refugees for refugees. Each of these programs grew organically from the needs of the refugee community itself and will adapt as the community’s situation evolves. We are not a rigid organization that slowly reacts to the changing environment but a living and fluid organization that anticipates needs and exists in a constant state of restructuring and improvement. We strive to stay at the forefront of technological advancements, even the playing field between the developed and developing world.
Medical Services Program

The health of each individual contributes to the health of the community. For refugees to utilize these opportunities and make strategic decisions, they must maintain a sound mind and a healthy body. They must hold onto hope for the future.

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Employment Services Program

In the two years, GRACE has been operational, we have placed over 40 refugees in various jobs around the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. We maintain a database of eligible workers and work with local businesses to help them fill open positions.

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Food Outreach Program

Food, air, and water are the three most essential components that sustain life. However, food remains uncertain. While charitable organizations ensure that refugees are not starving to death, food of quality with good nutritional properties is not typical.

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Supply Chain Program

Last year, Grace ran the largest and most efficient free clothing bank in the City of Cuenca. However, due to the growing demands for our medical, dental and other services, we reallocated the Clothing Center into a Nursing Station. 

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Steve Chasson

Steve Chasson

President of GRACE (United States)

I have had 30 years of non-profit experience, mostly in administration. As an international volunteer, I have worked in organizations in Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Italy and my favorite Ecuador. The mission and work of Grace drew me in due in part to the great need, but I also saw the model of refugee helping refugee as one of the best. I look forward to spending the rest of my life volunteering for Grace in some capacity.

Karla Sanchez

Karla Sanchez

President of Fundación GRACE (Ecuador)

Karla is a 30-year-old Journalist from Caracas, Venezuela, who immigrated to Cuenca in 2015 and has worked for human rights organizations such as International Press Society (IPYS) and Amnesty International.  She  is one of the most prominent voices of the refugee community and has been the driving force behind the growth of the best Foundation for Migrants in Cuenca. 

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Deyanira Ocando

Deyanira Ocando

Office Manager

Deya is the office manager for the Grace Foundation

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Some Testimonials from our Clients
“We are very happy to be able to support an organization such as GRACE that focuses both on the urgent needs caused by poverty as well as the long-term, important needs of building a sustained community through good, meaningful jobs.”
Lisa & David Kaplan

Director of Mission Assurance, N.A.S.A.

Through my clinical laboratory, I’ve been able to collaborate with GRACE. It has been a beautiful experience to watch them shelter and care for people in need. I’m so grateful to them for making me part of this amazing project, .”
Sonia Cabrera

Laboratory Director , Monte Sinai

This was our night today, enjoying sharing and family company that God gives you. This is the first year for my American friends who left their families to make us part of their family.  You leave the family in your country and God gives you a beautiful family in another country.”
Yessimar Vital de Blanco

Refugee Community Member, N/A

Refugee Crisis Press Coverage
Our lastest news and articles
Local Foundation Offers Help

Local Foundation Offers Help

Jul 24, 2021 By John Keeble GRACE, the Cuenca foundation set up to help mostly Venezuelan and Colombian refugees, is seeing a steady flow of children and adults seeking medical and dental help as the city’s hospitals grapple with Covid disruption. Children under 12...

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Writed by Bartley D’AlfonsoPhotos: Courtesy of Bartley D’Alfonso Perhaps it was Helen Keller who said it best: “The true test of a character, is to face harsh conditions, with the determination to make them better.”  There are many of us retired expats who can weather...

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