Donate Monthly
Recurring donations allow us to be more efficient when planning future events, budgeting for the year, and planning the launch of new programs and services, as well as aid in case-by-case emergencies. For every $10 in recurring donations, we can provide someone in need with a Golden Ticket. Clients can redeem the tickets for a food care package and a free appointment for any of our services. Golden tickets are distributed monthly to recurring donors who live in the city to give out as they see the need. Tickets belonging to donors abroad and overseas are given to churches and other partners every month to help fill the gaps and spread our reach and influence throughout the city. In so doing, we can help a more significant portion of our community. All donations are tax-deductible, and donors can track where their funds are being used through following us on social media or subscribing to our newsletter for regular updates. Additionally, monthly donors receive periodic emails with personalized updates on how their funds served the community.