How to Help

Grace is possible because of support from donors like you. We boast a platinum seal of transparency from GuideStar (the world’s largest non-profit database) and are pleased to say that over 96% of our total revenue has been allocated to our programs to date. That can be seen on our Financial Reports and Transparency page(Insert link). We are always seeking to expand our services and develop new programs to serve the community better. Currently, our top three needs are the following:

  • Monthly pledges to support our medical staff – Doctor, Dentist, Lab Tech
  • Committing to becoming a reliable volunteer (Local or International)
  • A one-time general donation to help our long lists of programs. 

Grace is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible. To make a donation now, or to become a monthly donor, click here.