Grace offers 21 services that fall under five programs. Each of these programs has been founded by, staffed, and managed by refugees for refugees. Each of these programs grew organically from the needs of the refugee community itself and will adapt as the community’s situation evolves. We are not a rigid organization that slowly reacts to the changing environment but a living and fluid organization that anticipates needs and exists in a constant state of restructuring and improvement. We strive to stay at the forefront of technological advancements, even the playing field between the developed and developing world.
Medical Services Program

The health of each individual contributes to the health of the community. For refugees to utilize these opportunities and make strategic decisions, they must maintain a sound mind and a healthy body.
Employment Services Program

In the two years, GRACE has been operational, we have placed over 40 refugees in various jobs around the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. We maintain a database of eligible workers and work with businesses to help them fill open positions.
Food Outreach Program

Food, air, and water are the three most essential components that sustain life. Luckily, Cuenca hosts some of the best air globally and the best drinking water in South America. However, food remains uncertain.
Supply distribution Program

Last year, Grace ran the largest and most efficient free clothing bank in the City of Cuenca. However, due to the growing demands for our medical services, we reallocated the Clothing Center into a Nursing Station.
Blockchain Empowerment Program

On October 20th, 2016, the Venezuelan crisis effectively began. If a Venezuelan had $100,000 US dollars worth of the Venezuelan bolivar on this day and kept it under his mattress till today, it would only be worth $5 now.